Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Where are you on your journey to better hearing? Some of us have been treating hearing loss for years and have just upgraded to a new pair of hearing aids. Others are new to the experience of using hearing aids to address hearing loss. 

Wherever you are on this journey, take a moment to congratulate yourself! Taking a hearing test and being fitted for hearing aids are essential steps to improving your hearing health and overall health and well-being. 

Whether you are a first-time wearer or are experienced with hearing aids, adjusting to a new pair does take time. Here, we’ve compiled a few tips for adjusting to a new pair of hearing aids. 

Advice for the First-Time Hearing Aid Wearer

First things first, first-timers: be patient with yourself. Take the past few years into consideration: on average, people wait seven years before seeking treatment for hearing loss. You may have noticed changes to your hearing a few years ago and have just gotten around to treating it with hearing aids. 

We’ve accommodated hearing with hearing loss. Because hearing loss is a gradual process, we may have gotten used, over time, to muddled sound signals and unclear speech. It’s essential to keep in mind that our brains are responsible for the bulk of our auditory processing.

That’s why it’ll take time to get used to hearing again. You may think that the sounds you’re hearing are too loud, but trust us – your hearing specialist has fitted your hearing aids for the proper levels of hearing. Give yourself time to get used to this level of “normal” hearing that you’ve missed out on for some time. 

Tips for Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Start Small

Don’t take your brand-new hearing aids out for a night on the town on the first day! Work your way up to wearing your hearing aids out during the day and eventually to more overwhelming noise spaces, such as restaurants and bars. Give yourself time to adjust to listening to these new levels by staying in quieter spaces – preferably at home. Practicing with your hearing aids in quiet spaces gives you time to get used to the intricacies of your listening experience and learn more about the features and controls. 

Establish a Routine

Hearing aids are sensitive electronic devices and do require care to function properly. It’s essential to establish a routine and wear your hearing aids daily. When you go to bed at night, follow the instructions provided by your hearing specialist for your hearing aids. If you wear rechargeable hearing aids, ensure they are placed correctly in their recharging stations. If you use hearing aids with traditional batteries, ensure they are stored in a clean, dry space. 

Avoid storing your hearing aids in the washroom, where temperatures fluctuate with showers and moisture collects quickly. Instead, find a safe place like a bedside table or dresser drawer to store your aids. 

When you wake up, go through your morning bathroom routine before inserting your hearing aids to avoid moisture. Insert your hearing aids and make sure they function correctly when you’re ready. 

Wear Your Hearing Aids Every Day

Another essential part of establishing a consistent routine with your hearing aids is this. Don’t skip a day with your hearing aids. Remember that they are now your access to the world around you. The sooner you get used to listening with hearing aids, the better – and this takes practice. With untreated hearing loss, our brains get used to unclear sound signals. As we begin to hear more clearly with hearing aids, our brains have to play catch up to adjust to this new experience. As a result, we may get tired at first from the extra stimulus. Gradually ease yourself into more hours of listening throughout the day. 

Wear your hearing aids around the house, wear them out to the market, and wear them when meeting with friends. Get used to wearing them in different noise environments and get comfortable with making adjustments. 

If your hearing aids offer a wireless connectivity feature with Bluetooth, learn how to link up your smartphone and stream phone calls directly to your ears. Hearing aids are built with many incredible features that enhance your listening experience; figure out the best ones for you.

Remember that Fitting is an On-Going Process

Our team is here to support you through the fitting process. We understand that getting used to new hearing aids takes a lot of patience and practice. Our fitting process is done with accuracy and precision based on your hearing test results. We are here to make adjustments and answer any questions you have on the journey to better hearing.