Encouraging a loved one to take a hearing test

Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Hearing loss is a serious issue, and it’s essential to treat it early. 5 out of 10 Americans between 65 and 74 have hearing loss. Older adults are more likely to have hearing loss, but it can affect people of all ages.

If you have a loved one who has hearing loss, you probably have some questions. You may feel like you’re facing this challenge alone and that it’s not your place to intervene. The truth is, the sooner someone with hearing loss gets the help they need, the better they’ll be able to adjust. That’s why it’s so important to treat hearing loss early.

The earlier they treat their hearing loss, the better chance they can control the effects of untreated hearing loss. 

You can take several steps to help have a productive conversation about hearing loss with someone you love.

Do your research on hearing loss

While it may be tempting to get right into the conversation, taking the time to do a little bit of research on hearing loss will help you be better prepared and more confident as you begin the conversation. Read up on different types of hearing loss, what causes them, and how they can affect different aspects of your loved one’s life depending on where they’re experiencing the issue with their hearing.

Select the best time and place

Remember that hearing loss has a significant impact on our ability to communicate. Untreated hearing loss makes speech recognition difficult, which is why individuals frequently ask others to repeat themselves. “I can hear but not understand,” is a common complaint concerning hearing loss.

You might want to have a one-on-one chat with your loved ones because it’s a delicate subject for them. As a result, you’ll want to schedule this conversation at the appropriate time and place. Choose a peaceful setting where your loved one will not have to struggle to communicate with you due to background noise or interruptions. Keep any music on a low volume or turn it off entirely.

Tell them about your own experience

During this chat, it’s critical to relate your personal experiences with your loved one. It is more helpful to approach your problem from your point of view rather than “blaming” them for not hearing.

Listen and ask questions

Your loved one may have never noticed their hearing problems because they’ve gotten used to not listening as well. Listen and let them express their feelings on the topic before convincing them that treatment is the best option.

Offer your help

It might sound like common sense, but people with untreated hearing loss often feel frustrated or even embarrassed about their situation because they don’t know how others perceive them—especially when it comes to communication issues in social situations—and they worry about letting others down.

Stop being a human hearing aid for them

If you’re a spouse, adult child, or caregiver to someone with hearing loss, don’t let them avoid getting help. To put it another way, don’t be their hearing aid and don’t translate for him.

We know it’s tempting to be a human hearing aid for your loved ones struggling with hearing loss. But not only does it not help them live independently, but you’re also actually making things harder for them!

We’re here to help you help your loved ones!

Everyone has their reasons for delaying or dismissing the necessity for hearing aids. These justifications are based on a general fear of the “new normal” of living life differently.

As a person close to hearing loss, your best ally will be a hearing care specialist. We can walk you through the options available and answer any questions about the experience based on the information received from a hearing evaluation. This is the most effective technique to deal with objections and excuses. It’s also the best way to get started on your shared path to better hearing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!