Identifying the signs of hearing loss

Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can significantly impact your life, restricting your communication capacity and putting you at risk for health problems. Hearing loss that goes untreated can have a wide range of consequences, from our earning potential to our risk of falling, and the sooner hearing loss is identified and treated, the easier it is for the brain to adapt and adjust.

Given the significant impact of hearing loss on our quality of life, it’s surprising that it might be challenging to recognize that you have a hearing problem. Hearing loss can develop slowly over time, making it difficult to detect a decrease in our ability to perceive sounds. 

When it comes to hearing, some people “don’t know what they’re missing.” There are, however, a few telltale signals that it’s time for a hearing test. If you or a loved one exhibits any of the following behaviors, call us now to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.

You frequently ask for others to repeat themselves

If you frequently need others to repeat themselves, this is one of the most evident symptoms of something wrong with your hearing. Keep an eye out for when you need to ask to hear something again. 

Many people mistakenly feel that murmuring around them is the source of their hearing loss. True, you will occasionally come across folks who mumble, but most of the time, people will talk clearly. 

People with hearing loss may have difficulty interpreting higher-pitched sounds, such as children’s speaking. When you hear muffled or garbled speech, please don’t dismiss it as someone else’s problem; instead, consider whether it could be related to a hearing condition.

You constantly crank up the volume

If you turn up the level on your television, radio, stereo, or computer, it’s another sign that you’re having trouble hearing things. Turning up the volume or leaving it at its highest setting suggests that you are attempting to avoid missing words and noises that should be audible at mid-range volume levels.

If you suspect your volume settings are too loud, schedule a hearing test to ensure you aren’t suffering from hearing loss. There are various free decibel meters available for smartphones and tablets if you want to know how loud the level you’re using is. Above 80 dB, the volume is considered quite loud, and above 85 dB, the volume is thought to be detrimental to your hearing.

You stay away from busy social gatherings

Avoiding crowds may be a personal preference, but it could also be a behavior change brought on by hearing loss. Crowded or noisy venues, such as restaurants for parties, become more challenging to engage in and enjoy when speech and conversation become challenging to interpret and understand. People who cannot communicate effectively may avoid social situations, even if they do not attribute their actions to hearing loss.

Hearing loss limits your communication, which is one of the reasons why it’s connected to higher rates of depression and social isolation. Confronting hearing loss and controlling your hearing loss allows you to re-engage with social events while also preventing your hearing impairment from limiting your behavior.

The ringing in your ears bothers you

Tinnitus is a ringing, tone, or static-like sound that occurs in your ears and suggests that your hearing has been damaged. Tinnitus can be bothersome, distracting, and even exhausting if it is present for an extended period. A hearing specialist can not only help you figure out what’s wrong with your hearing but can also connect you with effective tinnitus treatments. Using a palette of calming sounds and tones to distract from the annoyance of ringing is often beneficial in managing persistent tinnitus.

Book with us to address your hearing problems today

Take action if you notice these signs of hearing loss in your life. The first step should be to schedule an appointment with us. We put our customers first in everything we do. Contact us today to set up a hearing test!